Banana and Passionfruit Muffins with [Lemon] Icing

So many posts and so little time! Where does the weekend go?!?!? I'm just going to launch into this first recipe, I made it for Hubby when I spied the usual aging banana's ... only thing was by the time I'd gotten around to making these a couple of nights later I discovered that Hubby had eaten the banana's. Apparently they weren't as aging as I had first thought!

Banana and Passionfruit Muffins with Lemon Icing (at least its meant to be lemon - I made passionfruit instead!)
125g butter
315g plain flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
150g light muscovado sugar
110g pecans, chopped
3 very ripe, medium bananas
Pulp of 3 passionfruit (about 3 1/2 tbsp)
Zest 1 medium lemon
65ml whole or semi skimmed milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
For the icing
150g icing sugar
Juice 1 medium lemon (I replaced this with the juice and seeds from a passionfruit)

Preheat the oven to 220C/fan 200C. Melt the butter and leave to cool slightly. Sift the flour, baking powder and cinnamon into a large mixing bowl and stir in the sugar and the pecans. Peel and mash the bananas in another bowl and mix with the passionfruit pulp and lemon zest. Next, whisk the melted butter, milk and eggs into the fruit, then stir this mixture into the flour until combined; don't over mix or the muffins will be heavy. Divide the mixture between baking cases that are lining a 12 cup muffin tin. Bake on the centre shelf of the oven for 20 mins until risen and lightly golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

For the icing, whisk three quarters of the lemon juice into the icing sugar in a bowl. Then add enough of the rest of the lemon juice to make a thick spreadable icing; you may not need all the juice. Use to ice the tops of the muffins.

Makes 12 muffins
I'm not sure which magazine a clipped this recipe out of - it may well have been Feel Good Food

For me, not being a lover of banana, I don't particular care for these muffins. There just seemed to be a million and one flavours going on, the cinnamon seems a step too far with the lemon and passionfruit. That said, the mixture did smell very tropical while I was making it. If I was to make these again then I'd leave the cinnamon out ... Hubby is slowly eating his way through them but that is evidence enough that he isn't really that keen on them! If he had really liked them they would have disappeared before I'd had the chance to ice them ;0)
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