Kitchen Parade Extra: One Recipe, Two Quick Suppers

A classic concept recipe, one recipe with at least two entirely different outcomesIt's Quick Supper time again in this week's Kitchen Parade column, one of my very favorite suppers -- two of my favorite suppers actually for there are at least two very different outcomes from one recipe. Both are fast and nourishing, cheap and satisfying, fresh and flavorful. I've been trying to figure out if I like one more than the other. You try, you decide!

Kitchen Parade is great source for Quick Suppers and Concept Recipes. If you're watching Weight Watchers points and calories after the holidays, Kitchen Parade can help. Counting carbs? Kitchen Parade has low-carb recipes too.

What's this Kitchen Parade, you ask? It's the published newspaper column that my Mom started when I was a baby and that I've been writing since 2002. Kitchen Parade is known for great recipes for all courses; including
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