Just like a good potluck, somehow our collection of soup recipes offers a soup for every taste and circumstance.
The soups that take hours to simmer stove-top, the ones that toss together in minutes. The soups made from pantry staples, the ones with hard-to-find ingredients. Newly discovered soup recipes and the long-time family favorites. Recipes carefully followed and others invented with what was on hand.
I was moved by many of the soup stories, cross-continental stock-making, surviving a first cold winter, falling in love with winter, a first-time soup-maker, the saving grace of soup for a soon-to-be-Mom, a soup passed from one generation to another, an ingredient combination I can't dispel from my brain, the age-old tale of stone soup, and the sweet surprise of a dessert soup!
So many many thanks to all for the grand collection, Soup, Glorious Soup!
And now, who's the lucky winner of Nava Atlas' autographed cookbook, Vegetarian Soups for All Seasons? The photo is of my nephew Matthew picking a name from among all the entries. Congratulations to Tanna from My Kitchen in Half Cups! (If you'll e-mail your address please, I'll forward to Nava so the cookbook can go into the mail to you.)
But the real winners are our families, our friends, all who shared all the delicious soups we made. Many thanks, all!
A Veggie Venture is home of the Veggie Evangelist Alanna Kellogg and vegetable inspiration from Asparagus to Zucchini. © Copyright 2007
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