The Birthday Banoffee

Today is Miss SD's 23rd birthday (she'll kill me for telling you that!)

Every year, instead of a birthday cake she asks for a Banoffee Pie, hence the Birthday Banoffee was born.

Banoffee Pie
400g tin condensed milk
150g Hob Nobs
75g butter
3 large bananas
284ml double cream
Chocolate, to decorate

Put the can of condensed milk, unopened, in a large pan, covered with water, bring to the boil for 4 hours, topping up with water from the kettle as needed. Remove and leave to cool.

Put the digestives in a clean plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin. Melt the butter in a small pan, add the biscuits, mix and press into the base of a 20cm flan tin. Chill in the fridge for 30 mins.

Open the can of condensed milk, which will have turned to toffee. Spread this over the biscuit layer. Peel and thinly slice the banana' and arrange in a layer over the toffee. Finally, whip the cream until thick and spread over the banana's. Decorate with grated chocolate, or melted chocolate drizzled over the top.

Serves 6-8
No idea where I got this one from, but it is a no fail recipe that always gets a good reaction so many thanks to the creator!

My preferred method of decoration is a crumbled up Flake bar sprinkled over the top.
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