Mars Bar Sauce

Oh yes ... you read right!  The name of that sauce that caught most peoples attention in my last post is indeed Mars Bar Sauce ... little wonder that I still managed to loose weight last week!!  This is so quick and simple but tastes so good it will have your guests begging for more (and if they don't, then quite frankly, the sauce is clearly wasted on them)!

Mars Bar Sauce
2 mars bars (we're talking the normal sized mars bars here, not mini and not king size ... the latter is much to Hubby's dislike!)
150ml double cream

Chop the mars bars and melt the pieces in the cream.  I do this in a double boiler but the original recipe doesn't state this is necessary, the original also states that the sauce should be slightly 'chunky' but I prefer to keep stirring until its smooth and silky.  Pour hot over ice cream. 

Serves 2 .... giant hippos!!!  Comfortably serves at least 8 to 10 people I reckon and it keeps very well in the fridge overnight for any snack attacks the following day, think of it more as a truffle sauce on the second day!
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