Nutella Ice Cream

Yep you read right. Nutella Ice Cream .... I'll give you a second to savour that thought. Good, huh? It gets better. Nutella Ice Cream only has two ingredients, Nutella and Condensed Milk ~ those would be two of my preferred food groups, Nutella should be a food group of its own and Condensed Milk surely belongs in the diary category? Both of these ingredients have reserved their place in my history book. I used to eat Nutella from the jar with a spoon when I used to have a really bad day at work and condensed milk I ate from the tin. Healthy! I only ate the left over condensed milk from the tin when Mum was cooking at Christmas time though, honest.

Now that I have confessed to my Nigella style eating habits, its time for me to continue coming clean. The original recipe doesn't use condensed milk, it uses evaporated milk. But I didn't have any of that to hand and I wasn't walking the 10 minutes up the road to the supermarket in filthy weather to get it. My craving was intense after spotting it on Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy so I made do with what the cupboard held and opted to use the condensed milk instead. My attempt is also made without an ice cream maker which, when combined with using condensed milk instead of evaporated, seems to have resulted in a much fudgier consistency. [Sigh!] A little bit went a very long way ... and if I can say that then it really must be true!

Nutella Ice Cream
350g Nutella
380ml evaporated milk

Combine the Nutella and the Condensed Milk in a medium heatproof bowl and set it over a pan of gently simmering water. Warm them up enough to make the mixture easier to blend. With an electric mixer or hand blender, blend until the mixture is completely smooth.

Place in the freezer for an hour. Take out and blend again until the mixture is completely smooth again. Continue doing this until the ice cream is smooth, blending breaks down the ice crystals that build up during the freezing. It doesn't take long due to the condensed milk, I only blended mine twice.

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