What A Nightmare!!!!!

It is probably quite apt that my latest baking adventure ended up being a total nightmare!  Ordinarily we don't do anything for Halloween and this year was to be no different .... I blame Not Quite Nigella for posting her fab Gingerbread Witch's House.  It planted the seed that, despite several days of ignoring, took hold of me and grew until I caved and made a batch of gingerbread.  Yes - this is where the nightmare begins!

I used the same recipe as I had for my Christmas Gingerbread House last year.  The dough seemed far more sticky than I had remembered it being but I persevered thinking that the issue rested more with my poor memory than in the recipe itself.  I left the dough in the fridge all day and rolled and cut the pieces that night, the consistency of the dough had not improved but still I ploughed on.  I popped the pieces in the oven, the walls warped, the roof sagged and the windows and doorways disappeared - grrrrrrrrrrr.  It nearly ended up in the bin at this point!

By the next morning I had decided that the imperfections of the pieces would actually add to the character of a Haunted Gingerbread House so I stuck them all together ... this part of the process actually worked out OK, except that there weren't any snug fitting pieces to support each other, the support came solely from the amount of royal icing that was used to literally plaster it all together.  Ho hum ....

Then when I had finished decorating it, it looked kinda bland.  Hubby didn't mince his words either "It's not a patch on your Christmas one!"

Well!  It nearly ended up in the bin again!  But with a couple of days of staring at it, a few ideas cropped up, maybe a cobweb here, some licorice cladding there, perhaps some light in the windows????

OK - so its not a master piece.  But I still have a soft spot for it and decided to share it with you all despite its imperfections!  And maybe (just maybe!) it does look kind of like a haunted house?  My favourite part?  That's easy!  It has to be the wee Gingerbread Man dressed up as a ghost all ready for Trick or Treating ;0)
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