Apricot Passionfruit Jam

Time for a non-Easter post!  The beauty of having time off work means there is loads of time to flick through stored up recipes.  For me these recipes are often the long forgotten and stored up bounty just waiting for some free time so they can see the light of day.  This recipe comes from that bounty and it hasn't disappointed - which is a good thing seeing as I now have 4 very large jars of it sitting in my fridge.

Apricot Passionfruit Jam
500g dried apricots
6 cups water
1 1/2kg sugar
1/2 cup passionfruit pulp

Chop fruit and cover with water.  Soak for 24-36 hours.  Transfer to a large saucepan and bring to the boil.  Add sugar and boil until set (30-50 mins).  Remove from heat and add passionfruit pulp.  Stand for 10 mins, stirring now and again to distribute.  Pour into sterilised jars.  Wipe with vinegar and seal.

Makes 7 x 250ml jars

I should have boiled mine for a bit longer I think, even though it passed the wrinkle test after 40 mins of boiling it seems to have a soft set.  It tastes wonderful though!  The reconstituted apricots are very sweet but the addition of the passionfruit cuts through the sweetness with its tart tropical tang.  I'm even considering making some scones just so I can further sample this jam!
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