A 'Fishing' Cake

This latest cake creation was made for the husband of one of my work colleagues to celebrate his 50th birthday.  The remit was fishing cake.

Owing to my rubbish skills at modeling figures I resorted to the books and found a fish inspired cake within Cakes to Inspire and Desire.  I showed the picture to my colleague and said I could maybe do something similar and she practically did back flips ... no pressure there then!

The cake was two tires, the bottom tire was marbled fondant of white and two different shades of blue.  It didn't marble in quite the way my minds eye saw it working but I still really like the end result.  This tire then had white fish applied to it that had detail piped on with icing which were then lightly brushed with silver luster dust.  Because the top tire was plain white I could use some of the left over marbled fondant to make blue fishies, again with detail piped in icing and lightly brushed with silver luster dust.

Out of the top the cake 'exploded' with fish and water spirals fashioned out of silver and blue wire.  It was actually pretty tricky to get photos of it, not too sure the ones I have do it any justice [ego!] but I was really pleased with the finished cake ... and more to the point so was the birthday boy when it was presented to him at his surprise party ;0)
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