Miss SP's 50th Birthday Cake - Progress So Far

You know there is something wrong with your work life balance when you have to set your alarm for an ungodly hour just to get your blog done!!!!

This is the progress on Miss SP's cake so far.

Both cakes have had two coats of sugar paste.

The bottom cake has been placed on the cake base.

The sugar paste has been coloured to compliment the ribbon colours that is for the edge of the base board.

Small amounts of paste were rolled out and flower shapes where punch out.

And applied to the bottom edge of the bottom cake ....

.... and all over the top of the second cake ....

... apart from the center which is where the centerpiece will go!

Flower accents have been added to the '50' and to the edge of the centerpiece (but none of those photos turned out very well!)

Phew!  Still a little bit of work to do on it but for now I'm off to catch up on some of the blog posts that are sat in my reader ;0)
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