Quick Banana Ice Cream

The addition of the ice cream maker to our kitchen has resulted, not too surprisingly, in a lot of ice cream!  This is a batch I made a couple of weekends ago for Hubby, one of his favourite flavours of ice cream would have to be Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey.  This is a plain version of their ice cream, nothing fancy, just banana made into a frozen treat, and not a custard base in sight either!  Hubby says it tastes so much more banana-ary than its mass produced big brother that I'm going to try adding different flavours and textures to it from now on ... maybe a caramel ripple and some chocolate chips for starters ... I smell ice cream wars!
Freshly churned with rainbow sprinkles on top!
Quick Banana Ice Cream
4 ripe bananas, chopped into chunks
½ lemon, juiced
400ml double cream
75g golden caster sugar

Whiz everything together in a food processor.  Pour into an ice cream maker and churn, or pour into a freezer proof box and freeze, stirring every 2 hours until the mixture solidifies.

Serves 4
Olive, April 09
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