This one has been a true labour of love! I first attempted to use the over ripe banana's (I am ashamed to admit that they have been sat in the fruit bowl for far longer than I care to recall) to make this cake on Sunday but the baking god's were plotting against me and everything I attempted failed miserably, so it was placed on the back burner for safe keeping. Then I went to make it yesterday, only to discover that I had used every last gram of self raising flour in the Carrot Cake! Oops.
Hubby loves banana's, and secretly I think we purposely buy more than he can eat in a week so as there will be some form of banana baking at the end of the week for him to look forward to (banana's and I don't get along as a general rule so the banana population in our home is a burden he has learnt to carry alone - and he does it well!) but I have slowly used up my recipe repertoire for the overripe fruits. Until I discovered this recipe on (love this web site!)
Banana and Mars Bar Cake
150g butter
100g light brown sugar
2 eggs
2 banana's, mashed
300g SR flour
3 x 60g Mars Bars, chopped
125ml milk
150g icing sugar
2 tbsp caramel topping (I've used ready made Dulce de Leche - cheating I know!)
2 tsp hot water
Preheat oven to 180C. Line a 7 x 11 x 21cm loaf pan with non stick baking paper. Beat the butter and brown sugar until pale and creamy. Beat in the eggs and banana's.
Combine SR flour and the Mars Bars. Fold into the butter mixture with milk. Spoon mixture into the prepared pan and bake for 50-55 mins. set aside to cool.
Combine icing sugar, caramel topping and hot water. Drizzle over the cake to serve.
Serves 12
Taken from
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