Random Recipes ~ Grand Marnier Chocolate Colettes

Dom decided this month was back to basics for the Random Recipe blog event, so I sent Hubby into the 'library' to randomly select the book for this month.  I'm not so sure his selection was all that random!

I tried to stick to the rules, honest I did, but my first random page was Striped Cylinder Cookies which looked vile!  No point in making something we wouldn't eat ourselves ... or be seen dead offering to friends! So I decided to randomly select another page.  Hello Jewelled Elephants!  Things weren't looking good but my Granny always told me "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again", so on Granny's orders I got Cointreau Chocolate Colettes.  Thanks Granny ;0)

This was still not something I would eat but they did make a lovely little hostess gift for last Saturday's party, eat your heart out Nigella!  I had to make a couple of changes to suit the booze cupboard and so mine are Grand Marnier instead of Cointreau but I guess any kind of liqueur could really be used.  I'm thinking of making Frangelico ones at Christmas.

Grand Marnier Chocolate Colettes
50g dark chocolate
65g milk chocolate
Icing sugar, for dusting
For the Filling
25g dark chocolate
40g milk chocolate
25g unsalted butter
30ml Grand Marnier
60ml double cream, whipped

Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl.  Stand the bowl over a pan of hot water and heat gently until the chocolate has melted.

The first (of many) layers are applied
Using a small, clean paintbrush, brush the insides of 14 petit four cases with a thin coating of melted chocolate and leave to set completely.  Repeat three or four times (I applied easily double this number of coats!).  When finally set, carefully peel off the paper cases.

Make the filling.  Melt the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring until smooth.

Remove from the heat.  When cool (but still liquid), stir in the Grand Marnier and fold in the whipped cream.

Chill this mixture until firm, then pipe into the chocolate cases.  Dust with icing sugar.

Makes 14
The Cookie and Biscuit Bible

I'm not going to lie, these are a bit of a faff to make and require some series dedication to the cause.  Given how labour intensive they are I am sure you can imagine how horrified I was to overhear one guest at the party telling others not to eat them because they were 'revolting'!  Did I say horrified?  I meant mortified!!!  I sheepishly headed over to the table with the aim of removing them only to be told by the host that it was actually a devious ploy by the guest to stop others from eating them so as she could have them all for herself.  Immediately relived as I was, it did take a little while for the red flush to leave my face!!!
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