I have found that many of the recipes we use each week have already been posted on my blog, so I'm trying to make something new each week if time/babies allow. I thought I would start posting my weekly menu plan, so you can see what we are having...and it's a good way to repost some great recipes that have been lost in the archive too!
Our breakfast menu is pretty much the same each week...
cereal, breakfast sandwich, egg roll up, pancakes, oatmeal
On the dinner(leftovers for lunch) menu this week we will have:
Monday- vigo rice
Tuesday- Chicken Basil Pesto Penne $3.00
Wednesday- Beer Batter Dough Pizza $3.00?
Thursday- Ham ($1.29/lb @Aldi), Rolls, Broccoli $3.50
Friday- Meatloaf, corn on the cobb, mashed potatoes $3.50
Saturday- Fajitas $5.00
Yes, I bought eight pounds of ham this week so stay tuned for more recipes using ham. I will cook the ham all day on Thursday and freeze what we don't eat for later recipes.
Also, I finally found canned pumpkin. I'll be stocking up this year since there seemed to be a pumpkin shortage until now. I plan to make muffins sometime this week. I'll post the recipe. **update: muffin recipe here**
This is linked up to
Menu Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com
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