Today's Sunday dinner is a bit of a revelation though, so much so that Hubby has asked for it again next Sunday. It consists of Chicken with Chorizo and Mozzarella, this recipe originally started life as a Donna Hay recipe but I think it may have been tweaked beyond recognition now. During summer we have this every time the barbie is fired up. And to serve along side were Dijon Roasted New Potatoes and Garlic Fine Beans.
Chicken with Chorizo and Mozzarella
4 chicken steaks (I couldn't get any steaks today so resorted to flatten chicken breasts ~ very therapeutic)
1 ball mozzarella, sliced
50g thinly sliced chorizo
Dried mixed herbs (tonight I used oregano in its place to tie in with the rest of the meal)
Salt and Pepper
Heat a griddle pan or fire up the barbie. Sprinkle mixed herbs over one side of each of the steaks and season. Place herb side down on the grill and leave for approx 2 mins. Before turning over, coat with more herbs and seasoning. Once turned place 2 to 3 chorizo slices on top of the steak and layer this 1 or 2 slices of mozzarella. I then cover with the lid of the barbie and cook until the mozzarella starts to ooze and the meat is cooked through.
Serves 4
Dijon Roasted New Potatoes
Cooking spray
1 tbsp olive oil
2 level tbsp dijon mustard
3/4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp dried oregano (original recipe states thyme)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
700g new potatoes, quartered (I found some 2nd crop Jersey Royals at the shops today and used them to make this)
Coat a 23 x 34cm (9 x 13") baking dish with cooking spray.
Heat oven to 220C. Whisk together oil, mustard, paprika, oregano, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add potatoes and stir until they are coated.
Transfer potatoes to the baking dish and roast for 15 mins. Stir and roast for another 15 mins, or until tender (mine took between another 10 to 15 mins on top of this).
Serves 4
Adapted from WW
These were very moreish and will be making them again just as soon as I have the excuse to, Hubby wanted to eat the whole lot himself!
Garlic Fine Beans
Cooking spray
180 - 200g fine green beans
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 shallot, finely chopped
Mist frying pan with cooking spray. Add garlic and shallot and cook over medium heat for 1 min before adding beans. Stir fry until beans are a wonderful vibrant green and the garlic and shallots cooked through and fragrant.
Serves 4
Only thing missing from this meal was room for dessert ;0)
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