Wednesday was my Mother In Laws birthday and to celebrate we all went out for dinner last night. No birthday meal is complete without a birthday cake, I made her a 'Mack' cake - Mack being the name of her most beloved wee Westie ... remember the bog loving white dog from this post?
I used the white chocolate cake recipe (with added lemon juice and zest as before) and baked it in two 23cm cake pans. When the cakes were cooked and fresh out of the oven they got doused in lemon and limoncello syrup and then once they were cooled I sliced each cake in half and sandwiched two of the layers with lemon curd and the middle layer with buttercream and clementine curd.
The cake and cake board were then covered in black fondant icing and decorated with wee Mack's. These little guys were made out of white fondant that I pushed into an ice cube tray in the shape of a Westie Dog. When they had dried out a bit I used a black icing pen to add eyes and a red one to match the real dog's collar.
This is the first time I've every actually tried a piece of a cake that I have decorated. It was yummy ... but its hard to go wrong with a white chocolate cake ;0)
My Mother In Law was chuffed to bits with her surprise cake, nobody was allowed to eat a Mack!
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