I fussed, I fumed. What to make? It's January, people, and I don't know about you, but I'm still working off Christmas cookies. I'm not ready, yet, to give way to indulgences even if my will power is weakening. And other Sugar High Friday contributors will tease and tempt with extraordinary chocolate creations that will have us all ooo- and ahhh-ing.
And so, here it is, my simple contribution, a simple stove-top pudding from a 2005 Kitchen Parade column, published online for the first time. It makes up in mere minutes, with only five ingredients that are likely already in your pantry. It's a creamy bite of warm (or if you can wait! cool) chocolate pudding yet racks up only 2 Weight Watchers points. If I eat the whole pot? Well, so be it.
And there's no fancy premium chocolate here either, just grocery store Hershey's Cocoa, my favorite Special Dark variety, new in 2005, which makes puddings and brownies and cakes almost black and extra chocolate-y.
So get your chocolate goodness from Sugar High Friday, then come back. This is a pudding you'll make (tonight maybe?) without waistline worry.
Many thanks to David, for hosting Sugar High Friday and for the reminder that we CAN have our chocolate, and eat it too!
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