A Bonfire Night Treat - Caramelised Banana Split

Bonfire night has developed into being a special treat for me.  We used to celebrate this back home as well when I was little, but it terrified me and I usually spent the night in the house peering through my bedroom window with my fingers in my ears and crying.  Seems I've always been a juxtaposition!!!!  I always had to take part in bonfire night, I loved the look of the fireworks in the sky, the pretty colours and patterns ... just not the noise or seeing people lighting them.  (And I also remember the horrible advert that used to appear on TV in the lead up, the one with the suitcase where last year's leftover fireworks had been stored and then the boy with half his face missing.  Horrific!!!)  Then we cottoned on to the idea that fireworks in dry Australian heat was a recipe for disaster and they were banned and it was only at organised events that they were used.  This suited me much better ;0)

Nowadays I'm lucky that my flat faces out towards the castle and from the comfort of my sofa I can see all the fireworks displays that take place, this last week has been quite entertaining with a display most nights.  I can't to see all the colours and patterns but without any of the noise or seeing family members darting backwards and forwards trying to light them!  As last night was the official Guy Fawkes night it called for a special treat to enjoy along with the show.  It might not look pretty but it tasted mighty fine [note to self:  must work on presentation skills!]

Caramelised Banana Split
55g caster sugar
½ tsp vanilla essence
1-2 tbsp hot water
2 bananas, peeled and sliced in half
Knob of butter
Ice Cream (I used a homemade one - I'll share the recipe later!)
Chocolate Sauce, chopped nuts and whipped cream, to finish

Heat the sugar, vanilla essence and water in a pan, until it forms a caramel.

Add the banana slices to the pan, shaking to coat.

Add the butter to the pan and heat for another 1-2 minutes.

Transfer the caramelised bananas to a serving plate, and layer with scoops of ice cream, chocolate sauce, chopped nuts and whipped cream.

Serves 2
Recipe for caramelised bananas from BBC Food
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