Milk Chocolate Banana Brownies

My poor old Hubby is having a tough time at work. Its a tough time for us all really with increased workloads and targets to be met before the 31st March. Overtime rates have gone through the roof. I managed to get a few hours of my overtime back yesterday afternoon so I came home with the intention of not doing very much at all. Not doing very much at all soon lead to catching up on all my unread blog posts which was when Raspberri Cupcakes post for Sticky Toffee Banana Brownies set off a cartoon style light bulb above my head. Hubby would love these, and they would be a nice treat for him to come home to. So I set to it right away.

I made a couple of changes, firstly as Hubby is on a diet he only got the brownies, no toffee sauce here! Brownies are a treat enough aren't they? Although we do have visitors popping around this afternoon so there is a fairly strong possibility that there will be Toffee Sauce yet. And I used milk chocolate as Hubby isn't the world's biggest fan of dark chocolate which the original recipe calls for. If you want to have a go at the all inclusive original recipe then please head over to Raspberri Cupcakes. You won't be disappointed, its a lovely blog!

Milk Chocolate Banana Brownies
250g mashed ripe banana (I used 3 medium bananas)
200g unsalted butter
190g milk chocolate
3 eggs
230g vanilla caster sugar
150g self-raising flour

Preheat oven to 180C.

Grease and line a 20 x 30cm baking tin. Cut butter into cubes and roughly chop up chocolate and place both in a heatproof bowl. Melt chocolate and butter together over a double boiler, then set aside to cool.

Beat eggs and sugar together with an electric mixer on low speed until they are well combined. Beat in chocolate mixture and mashed banana until well combined.

Fold flour gently into the mixture until just combined, taking care to not over mix. (Instructions like this always scare me! As a result I had little lumps of flour throughout my batter but it doesn't seem to have effected the end product. Next time though I think I'll sift the flour in.)

Pour into prepared tin, smooth the top and bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. I've learnt the hard way that it is always best to under cook brownies a little bit because it does keep cooking while cooling in the tin. Cool completely in its tray on a wire rack then turn out onto rack and cut into squares.

Makes approx 15 squares

I served Hubby a square for his dessert last night with a scoop of ice cream on top. Next thing I know, he's in the kitchen helping himself to another two squares. I know! Two squares. This is always a sign of success ;0)
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