We Should Cocoa ~ The March Challenge

Argh!!!!  It can't seriously be March already?  What happened to February?  Given that time seems to be evaporating before my very eyes, I wish I could say I had given this month's 'special' ingredient for We Should Cocoa a lot of thought ... but that would be stretching the truth slightly. 

I have given it some thought, though its just not been as contemplated over as much as normal.  With a number of very scrummy like fruits in season this month I could have plumped for Rhubarb, Tangerine or maybe even Mango ... but I haven't.  This month I've selfishly decided on Lime ... bet you were hoping for the Rhubarb huh?  I am totally addicted to lime at the moment, the flavour is so fresh and zesty and tangy that I didn't dither when I realised this was in season now too. 

I'm not so sure I have ever tried a Chocolate and Lime combo before, I'm not even sure how well they will mix together but I figure that Chocolate and Lemon is a pretty popular pairing so Lime can't be that much of a stretch ... right?  I'm looking forward to seeing all the fabulous and creative recipes appearing on your blogs for this month's challenge, just remember to send us an email with a link to your post and a photo, full details can be found here.
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