We Should Cocoa ~ The November Challenge

Time to announce this month's challenge for We Should Cocoa.  Firstly a HUGE thank you to everyone who has participated in the events so far, its been great to see all the creations from across the world.  I don't think Choclette or myself ever anticipated this kind of participation when we first started emailing each other about our idea so thank you very much for making it a success ;0)

Now, without further ado, the challenge for this month is .... CARAMEL.  I figured in the run up to Christmas we may as well push that calorie laden boat right out!  If you have never made caramel from scratch before why not use this months challenge as a chance to give it a bash?  But be assured that if the thought of making your own caramel is enough to send you in to a complete melt down (as opposed to the sugar - see what I did there!!!) then it is perfectly fine to buy it ready made ... but why not stretch yourself?  It is a 'challenge' after all ... no pressure though lol.

So!  I'm really looking forward to seeing all your wonderful posts appearing on the blogosphere, just remember that your post needs to be up by the 25th of this month and that you need to email us with the link to your submission and include: your name, the name of your blog, your recipe title and a photograph (no bigger than 640 pixels) to: weshouldcocoa@yahoo.co.uk.  I'll complete the round up once all the submissions are in.  Happy chocolate and caramel creation making ;0)
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