The batter keeps in the frig for five weeks. Along the way, bake fresh muffins (as many as you want, even just one or two) any time. The recipe is from a 2002 Kitchen Parade column, published today online for the first time. So check it out, it's my recipe for Five-Week Bran Muffins.
The recipe is just one in a collection of recipes for Christmas in Kitchen Parade's Recipe Box.
~ how to host a cookie exchange along with my favorite roll-out cookie recipe ~
~ the cranberry-macadamia nut cookie recipe I'm making for this year's cookie swap ~
~ the graham cracker toffee that everyone finds so addictive ~
~ one way to share the true meaning of Christmas with children, Jesus' birthday cake ~
~ the cranberry-macadamia nut cookie recipe I'm making for this year's cookie swap ~
~ the graham cracker toffee that everyone finds so addictive ~
~ one way to share the true meaning of Christmas with children, Jesus' birthday cake ~
SO WHAT IS KITCHEN PARADE, EXACTLY? Kitchen Parade is the food column that my Mom started writing for our family newspaper when I was a baby. Today it's published in my hometown newspapers in suburban St. Louis and features 'fresh seasonal recipes for every-day healthful eating and occasional indulgences'. Want to know more? Explore, including Kitchen Parade's Recipe Box!
WHY DOESN'T THIS POST ACCEPT COMMENTS? Because I hope that you'll click through to the actual column and comment there!
E-MAIL & RSS SUBSCRIBERS You may subscribe to Kitchen Parade directly, then you'll receive the complete column and recipe directly in your In Box or RSS reader. Just sign up for Kitchen Parade via e-mail or Kitchen Parade via RSS.
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