Turkey Chilli Burgers

Barbie season has well and truly arrived here in Edinburgh.  This makes me so happy ;0)
Short sleeves, bright blue skies, Bumble Bees and Barbies - not sure that life could get any better.

To celebrate the change of weather the most recent ash cloud seems to have brought with it we've been having a few barbies of late, be prepared to see a few savoury meals appearing while the warm weather is with us, all cooked on the webber of course.  A couple of years ago I pretty much lived off these burgers.  Living in a flat in Craigmillar space was tight and there was definitely no space for a barbecue so I used to make these on the George Foreman.  Once we moved to the Waterfront I've been spoilt and can now have a webber on the balcony (still not a backyard which I long for but we'll get there one day ~ baby steps!) and I've decided that these burgers taste even better when cooked in the great outdoors.

Turkey Chilli Burgers
500g minced turkey
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley or coriander
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
olive oil, for brushing
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Burger buns, rocket and tomato slices, to serve

Mix together the minced turkey, garlic, chilli, herbs, worcestershire sauce and plenty of salt and pepper.  Shape the mixture into 4 even sized burgers, then brush lightly with the oil.  Preheat the grill to medium.

Grill for 5 mins on each side - or cook on a medium to hot barbie - until well browned and cooked through.  Serve in burger buns with rocket and juicy sliced tomatoes.

Makes 4
Ainsley Harriot (I think it was 'Low Fat Meals In Minutes')

These burgers come with a couple of added bonus.  Firstly, because turkey mince is used they are pretty healthy ~ if you are counting points like me then these are only 3.5 points per burger.  And the other bonus is a pretty selfish one, Hubby doesn't like Turkey so it means that I can have them all to myself!  Not all in one sitting mind because that would defeat the purpose of counting the points of course!

Wishing you all short sleeves, bright blue skies, Bumble Bees (except if you are Lucie, then I wish you no bumbles at all!) and Barbies where ever you are ;0)
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