Answer: Food blogs, of course, as many food-blog enthusiasts will recognize!
What's new, however, is the source of the Q&A, the great new trivia game for food lovers called Foodie Fight
The game comes with 168 trivia cards (each with questions in six food-fun categories) plus game boards (for individuals or teams) and playing tokens. Use the boards and tokens or just fly through the question cards.
The questions are a perfect mix of the obscure (Q. How many bubbles in a bottle of champagne, anyone?) and the familiar (Q. What vegetable is some times referred to as "Swiss", after a 16th-century botanist?) -- so you'll be stumped often enough to learn something but not so often as to feel stupid.
And when you know the answers -- and you will, I promise -- you'll feel like a culinary brainiac.
Such fun -- for dinner parties, diversions during long car trips, conversation starters to kick-off meetings, even ice-breakers when strangers make long bus rides, a kick-off to food-related meetings?
FULL DISCLOSURE I met Joyce Lord, Foodie Fight
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