How many of us take a cook book to bed to read? Or is it just me? The other night I pulled Bill Granger's 'Holiday' off the book shelf and trotted off to bed, its been a while since Bill and I caught up! Flicking through the book I came to the recipe for the Puffed Apple Pancake which I make regularly for breakfast
throughout Autumn, when I noticed Bill's footnote "... It's also fabulous with peaches ..."
This was a bit of a light bulb moment for me! Why have I not thought of this seasonal improvement myself!?!?!?!
Puffed Peach Pancake
50g butter (I use frylite nowadays)
4-5 medium sized ripe peaches, cut into quarters
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tbsp lemon juice
90g plain flour
A pinch of salt
1 tsp finely grated lemon zest
1 tbsp vanilla caster sugar
4 eggs
185ml milk
Preheat the oven to 200C (220C for conventional ovens). Melt the butter in a 25cm frying pan with an ovenproof handle. Add the apples and cook for 5 mins over medium heat. Add the brown sugar, vanilla and lemon juice and cook, shaking the pan occasionally, until the butter has dissolved.
Mix the flour, salt, lemon zest and sugar together in a large bowl, make a well in the centre and slowly add the eggs and milk, whisking lightly to combine (don't worry too much about the lumps). Pour the batter evenly over the apples (it's fine if the apples show through). Put the pan in the oven and cook for 15 mins until puffed and golden. If your pan is shallow, place a baking tray underneath to catch any drips. Serve absolutely immediately with either yogurt, honey or maple syrup.
Serves 4
Bill Granger's 'Holiday'
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