1 recipe cream cheese frosing, recipe here
Fondant Icing
Green sprinkles
Red, green, black, blue, and yellow food coloring gels
Make 1 box of cake mix and bake in 2 medium to large loaf pans. Remove from pans and cool completely. Wrap in saran wrap and foil and freeze overnight. Remove from freezer and cut and carve to create the car shape...sorry - I have no other steps here because I just cut and pasted until it looked like a car. Crumb coat your finished product with red colored frosting. Put in fridge for at least an hour...this hardens the crumbs so you don't have crumbs in your finished product. Then frost again and smooth to finish with a metal knife dipped in hot water. Put in fridge to harden again. Color and cut fondant for the eyes, lightening bolt, windows, numbers, and headlights.
Bake the 2nd box of cake mix and bake in a sheet cake pan for about 15 minutes or until knife comes out clean. Cool completely. Frost with green colored frosting. With a toothpick, trace a track into the frosting. Frost the track with back-colored frosting. Pipe white lines. Put green sprinkles on green frosting to make it look like grass.
Carefully place the car cake into the middle of the sheetcake. ENJOY your awesome cake!!!!
It's easiest when you have a car model right with you to go off of...but make it your own.
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