Menu Plan July 11-15

     It's been a while since I've posted a menu plan. I've made menus, but I haven't stuck to them too much. I'm taking two classes this summer which has made for some crazy weeks. One week, we ate out almost every day....not a penny pinching week that is for sure! My goal this week is to actually follow my plan. I planned everything, including healthy snacks! I hope I can stick to it. Wish me luck...

Berries and Oatmeal
Smoothies (a couple varieties)
Chocolate Chip pancakes

Cheese sticks and carrots or apples,
yogurt and fruit
Trail mix

Dinners (with leftovers for lunches)
Basil Pesto
Burgers and oven fries
Chicken Stir Fry
Baked Ziti and salad

Still need more Menu ideas? Head over to OrgJukie's Menu Plan Monday!
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