Vanilla and Raspberry Sauce

I was in need of a quick fix for dessert tonight.  That and the fact that I had some raspberries sat in the fridge that were getting ever riper with every tick of the clock led me to this recipe over at Half Baked that I had book marked a little while ago.  A few tweaks (which unfortunately did not include chocolate on this occasion!) and dessert was on the table in record time ;0)

Vanilla and Raspberry Sauce
2 punnets fresh raspberries (although frozen works too)
1 tbsp cornflour
2 tbsp lime juice
65g vanilla sugar

In a small sauce pan, combine all of the ingredients and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook until the berries have broken down about 5 min.

Serves approx 6 people
Adapted from Half Baked

The sauce can be used as is or you can remove the seeds by passing it through a fine sieve.  Half Baked suggests using a cheesecloth to ensure absolutely none of those little suckers get through.  I guess the seedless-ness of it depends on what the sauce is to be used for, over ice cream we've left the seeds in, but in a cake or for posh pancakes then you may want a perfectly smooth sauce.
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