We Should Cocoa ~ The Hazelnut Challenge

As soon as Choclette announced this months We Should Cocoa challenge I knew that I wanted candied hazelnuts to be the crowning glory.  Now I can fully appreciate that it is far more customary to actually have a dish in mind and perhaps even made before one begins to contemplate the finishing touches ... but I reckon you guys are getting pretty used to me by now and understand that my brain just doesn't function that way most of the time!

So then the challenge became what to use the candied hazelnuts on.  Cupcakes kept cropping up but then that would be too similar to last months event so were promptly dismissed each time.  A torte maybe?  Perhaps a Pav? What about a Mousse?  The options were endless but none of them seemed to tick the box for me.  Then last weekend Hubby requested his favourite cheesecake and the little light bulb went off above my head. 

Decision made ... or so I thought!  Now I needed to decide what kind of cheesecake to make.  This step proved to be just as difficult as deciding what to make in the first place!  After scouring the net and all my books I was still none the wiser so I plucked up the courage to make up something all my own (although the filling is adapted from a recipe that I found in Olive from May 10!)

White Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake with a Roasted Hazelnut Crust
For the Base
150g shortbread biscuits
25g hazelnuts
55-60 butter, melted
For the Filling
150g white chocolate, broken into small pieces
250g mascarpone
75ml double cream
For the Candied Hazelnuts
75g hazelnuts
175g caster sugar
Wooden skewers

Begin by roasting all the hazelnuts (for both the base and the candied hazelnuts) in a 180C oven until they are roasted and the warm nutty scent fills the house!  This takes about 10 mins but keep an eye on them as they burn quickly.  Remove from the oven and place the roasted hazelnuts in a tea towel and leave to cool for a few mins, then wrap them up in the cloth and rub vigorously to remove the skins.
Prepare 6 small fluted tart pans with melted butter.
To make the base, blitz the biscuits and hazelnuts in a food processor until they are fine crumbs.  Mix well with the melted butter and then place large spoonfuls of the mixture into the prepared pans.  Pat the mixture over the base and sides of the pans and then place them in the fridge while making the filling.
To make the filling, put the white chocolate and 65g of the mascarpone into a bowl. Put the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and stir until the chocolate melts into a smooth sauce. Leave to cool slightly then, using an electric whisk, blend in the remaining mascarpone until smooth. Stir in the cream until thoroughly mixed. Leave for 5 mins or until the texture is smooth and reasonably firm, but not set.  Spoon the filling into the tart pans and then chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours until softly set.
Meanwhile make the candied hazelnuts.  Place a wooden skewer into each hazelnut so you have a handle for dipping them, be gentle with them otherwise the hazelnuts will split.  Cover your kitchen floor with newspaper and its a good idea to make sure you haven't got bare feet either! 
Place the sugar in a heavy based pan and place over a medium heat until melted (I didn't stir mine, although I did swirl the pan from time to time to make sure hot spots didn't form).  Have a bowl of ice cold water on hand that you can dip the pan in as soon as all the sugar is melted to stop the cooking process.  (Most recipes then suggest to leave the caramel to cool and thicken for a few mins before using but I found mine was starting to set so I skipped this part!)
Take a hazelnut and holding the skewer, dip the hazelnut into the caramel and ensure that the hazelnut gets a good covering.  Place the skewer under a heavy chopping board until the caramel has set.  Continue until all the hazelnuts are covered.  Use to decorate the cheesecakes when ready to eat.
Makes 6 individual cheesecakes
If I do say so myself these are pretty heavenly!  They are also decadent to the extreme so my recommendation would be to find someone to share with ... if you can bare it ;0)
Its not too late to take part in this month's challenge for We Should Cocoa.  The deadline is the 25th and then the round up will appear on the Chocolate Log Blog on the 26th.  Then all you have to do is to remember to head back here on the 1st November to find out what the next challenge involves ... can't wait to see your creations!
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