KS has gone to so much effort getting food and drink in for everyone that when she mentioned buying a cheesecake to help feed the crowd I immediately offered a taste of my youth in this Toblerone Cheesecake. I've not met a person yet who doesn't like it, even SD who is a notorious Toblerone disliker (strange girl!) likes this. The Toblerone is a very subtle flavour, its definitely more cheesecakey in taste than chocolatey, which can sometimes be a good thing I guess.
As already mentioned, this is a taste of my more "formative" years growing up in Tasmania, so the recipe is in cup measurements - sorry! I had intended to translate it into grams and tbsp's but that just seemed like I was messing with the laws of Toblerone Cheesecake so I've left it as is. If memory serves me correctly the recipe came off the side of the Philly Cream Cheese box - those were the days, cream cheese in a box with a thick foil wrapping!
Toblerone Cheesecake
1 cup plain chocolate biscuit crumbs (back in the day that meant choc ripple biscuits but I can't seem to find a UK alternative so I either use chocolate coated Hob Nobs or Nice biscuits with some cocoa powder added)
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 x 250g cream cheese, softened at room temp
3 tsp gelatine dissolved in 1/2 cup boiling water
3/4 cup caster sugar
100g Toblerone Swiss milk or dark chocolate, melted
1/2 cup cream (double)
Mix biscuit crumbs and butter and press into the base of a 20cm springform tin. Chill.
Beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer until soft. Add gelatine mixture, caster sugar, melted toblerone and cream, blend until smooth.
Pour into crumb base and chill in refrigerator for 2-3 hours or overnight. Garnish with chocolate shavings and strawberries.
Not sure how many people this serves, or should I say how many slices you get from the cheesecake, as the number of servings and the number of people aren't necessarily the same thing! Generally speaking though, small slices would be recommended as it is quite rich. Strawberries are great served on the side, think I'll do the Pimm's Strawberries to take to the barbie, just for something a bit more grown up.
There was also some spare Lemon Tart filling still in the fridge from the Martin Wishart Cook School day earlier in the week. I decided to use up the mixture by making some mini tarts, finished with a creme brulee topping as the chef's did at the school. My blow torch seems to have given up the ghost though (a pity seeing as this was the first time I've been brave enough to try and use it!) so I gave the creme brulee topping a whirl under the grill. This technique is obviously not for the faint hearted! I'm afraid I chickened out before the sugar went fully creme brulee like, but it was a toss up between that and a burnt crust ...
These little beauties will be served with the Macerated Raspberries we learnt to make at the Cook School too.
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