In all probability ... there is every chance ... that I may have over egged ... just ever so slightly ... the wonderful use I bought my Strawberry and Pimm's Jam to. Let's face it, a booze laden jam, no matter how subtle, is not the condiment for your morning toast ... is it?
This is one of the ways I decided to use said item;
Baked Cinnamon Doughnuts
This is one of the ways I decided to use said item;
Imagine you can see the centre of jam! |
Baked Cinnamon Doughnuts
255ml reduced-fat milk
50g unsalted butter, melted
490g plain flour
1 sachet instant dried yeast (7g)
55g caster sugar
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Place milk in a heatproof, microwave-safe jug. Microwave on medium-high (75%) for 30 to 40 seconds or until heated through (do not allow to boil). Stir in 15g of the butter. (I don't have a microwave so I simply added the milk and butter to a saucepan and heated over a low heat until the butter started to melt, then I turned the heat off and let the residual heat melt the rest of the butter, you don;t want the milk too hot or it will kill the yeast).
Sift flour into a bowl. Stir in yeast, sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Make a well in the centre. Add milk mixture. Mix to form a soft dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap. Set aside in a warm place for 1 hour or until doubled in size. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Using your fist, punch dough down (I prefer to use my fingertips to gently press into the dough to release the gas rather than 'punching' the dough back, its a living being after all!) Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead until smooth. Press dough out until 2.5cm thick. Using a 6.5cm cutter, cut 12 rounds from dough. Using a 2.5cm cutter, cut circles from the centre of each round. Place doughnuts, 5cm apart, on prepared tray. Cover with lightly greased plastic wrap. Set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes or until doubled in size.
Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C/ 180°C fan-forced. Cook doughnuts for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Combine remaining sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Brush doughnuts with remaining butter. Dip in sugar mixture, shaking off excess. Place on plates. Serve.
· Omit caster sugar and cinnamon. Sift 2/3 cup icing sugar into a bowl. Add 3 to 4 teaspoons lemon juice. Stir to combine. Dip half the doughnut in sugar mixture, then in 100s and 1000s.
So this recipe describes how to make 'proper' doughnut shaped doughnuts but I wanted jam filled doughnuts! In order to do this I just didn't do the part of the step with the 2.5cm cutter and baked them as directed. Once they were baked I filled them with the jam which I had put in a squeezy bottle, that is the beauty of a soft set jam, it can be squeezed no problem at all ;0)
For a first attempt they turned out really well, Hubby loved them! Next time I'll be sure to fill them with a lot more jam, I was a bit tentative in hindsight.
This recipe is going over to Jac at Tinned Tomatoes for her Bookmarked Recipes event, which is based on the event first started by Ruth's Kitchen Experiments. I hate to think how long I have had this recipe saved for!!
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