Forever Nigella ~ Brownie Bowls

I will admit to be a little bemused for this month's Forever Nigella challenge.  Street Parties seem such a British concept to me (sorry if that offends anyone) ... but why not call it a picnic ... or a BBQ ... that is held in a street!  Clearly, I am missing something here.

So I had to think long and hard, not only about what was appropriate food to take along to a 'street party' but actually about what a street party really was.  I can remember an old black and white photo that my Mum has, it shows her and my Uncle as young children tucking into party food at a street party in London ... I want to say it was for the Queen's coronation, but I fear that such a statement may be a bit 'ageing' towards my Mum and Uncle!?!?!?!  I seem to recall the street party was indoors, maybe it was raining outside, and the food was in the middle of a large table with kids dotted all around the outside, eyes bulging with the idea of all that food.  It looked for all the world, to be a child's birthday party to me and had my Mum not actually told me it was a street party I'd still be none the wiser.  I wish now I had asked her about what a street party was and what kind of food was on offer!

With this photo in mind (so wish I had a scanned copy I could include on this post!) that I settled for Nigella's Brownie Bowls from Kitchen, figuring that they would be portable enough to take along and fill with whatever was on offer for dessert.  We had ours with strawberry and whipped cream, the decorating style was all Hubby's own work.

I didn't have the correct pan as used in the recipe for the book so I substituted Yorkshire pudding pans, they didn't really turn out bowl like but they still made a pretty scrummy base for the strawberries and cream.  The recipe also said to use 15g malt powder and 15g chocolate powder so I used milo for both as it is a chocolate malt drink, thus putting a proper Aussie spin on a thoroughly British concept ;0)

They tasted mighty fine too and my mind is already spinning with all the different variations for them.  Nigella seems to really like the idea of using them to serve ice cream, but I'm wondering now about chocolate mousse or maybe a truffle / ganache pudding type of dessert ... the list is endless!
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