Upside Down Berry Cake

Phew its Friday night! Been a tough old week for us but its finally time to take stock and recharge the batteries. I love Friday nights! Hubby and I have a date with a DVD and a Chinese take out tonight but I thought I would sneak one small post in before dinner arrives. We had this for dessert last night, we had a friend round for dinner and I needed something quick and easy to put together after work but that tasty pretty wonderful too. This cake was a winner on all fronts ;0)

Upside Down Berry Cake
200g butter, plus extra for buttering
200g golden caster sugar
4 eggs
225g SR flour
25g ground almonds
200g frozen mixed berries, defrosted
2 tbsp golden syrup

Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C. Line a deep 20cm spring form cake tin with paper and butter it.

Beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs and then fold in the flour and almonds. Fold in enough water to make the mixture spoonable.

Drain any excess juice off the berries and tip them into the base of the tin. Add the golden syrup, then spoon the cake mixture on top. Bake for 1 hour or until the cake is cooked through. Cool the cake in the tin, turn out and remove the paper.

Serves 12
Olive Magazine

Not the greatest of photos, I do apologise. Still not quite plucked up the nerve to be taking photos of food around our friends so I have to be a bit surreptitious about which doesn't result in the best of pictures. Trust me though, this cake is so good I'm lucky there was anything left to take photos of! The smell of it baking had us all climbing the walls.

Serve with ice cream for a bit of extra decadence ;0)
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